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Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector Ministry of Textiles, Government of India(samarth )
The government has been focusing on digitalizing every possible service for the citizens to utilize its benefits more efficiently. Efforts have been put into making all the schemes available online. Similarly, the JAN Samarth portal (pilot version) has been launched to make all the schemes available in a single portal.
Samarth (Scheme For Capacity Building In Textile Sector) is an important skill development scheme approved as part of Integrated Skill Development Scheme for 12th FYP.

There is huge opportunity in this industry. Govt of India launched a scheme called SMARTH. The objectives of the scheme are to provide placement oriented skilling programme to incentivize the efforts of the industry in creating jobs in the organized textile and related sectors to promote skilling and skill up-gradation in the traditional sectors through respective sectoral divisions/organizations of Ministry of Textile; and to provide livelihood to all sections of the society across the country.